Last Mask Center & The Cycle Community present
The Threshold Process
Gateway into the Cycle of Transformation
April 14 - 19, 2025 - Troutdale, OR
Application Deadline Extended!
** NEW Application Deadline: November 29**
Acceptance Notification: by December 13
Deposit: by December 27
Registration Window: Jan 3 - Mar 10
Saturday, February 22
Saturday, March 8
Saturday, March 22
Threshold Process: April 14-19
Art by April Staroak
What is The Threshold Process?
The Threshold Process is a 5 day, in-person immersion facilitated by Christina Pratt that supports us in stepping into our animist and community selves – the self that can enjoy being in vibrant healthy community with both the human and other-than-human world.
So many of us right now feel isolated, burned out, stagnating or stressed. We feel the new world that's possible and have many of the skills to get there - but still find ourselves caught in old patterns or fears that take us out at the knees. We often cycle in extremes of excess or deficiency, stuck in extractive relationships with the Earth and even ourselves.
The Threshold Process supports us in liberating our energy from oppressive patterning.
We have each internalized sneaky stories of extraction and separation from contemporary culture. These stories limit our potential and keep us from stepping into a generative, joyful and co-creative relationship with each other, the Earth and the Dreaming of all of Life. Through ritual, dance, journeys and group process we will take responsibility for our role as Dreamers on this planet, remembering that our dreams and desires deeply matter and learning how to gain traction in manifesting them.
The Cycle Teachings have shown us we can only truly live our wildest dreams sustainably with the support of community.
Our soul was never meant to try to live its unique genius without community. And the problems we face in the world today can't be solved by individuals working alone.
The Threshold Process helps us become the people that can commit to learning how to be in community. It liberates our capacity to show up with sovereignty and agency in the work of creating regenerative community.
If you successfully pass through the gate of the Threshold Process and choose to continue on to the Cycle of Transformation, you’ll be entering as a member of the Cycle Community, a collective of people striving to live in alignment with ancient animist principles and applying them in service of personal and collective liberation.
In this process we are supported in uprooting the ways we have internalized systems that keep us feeling isolated, lost, fearful and disconnected and restoring our connection to our true sources of power.
The Threshold Process is not about perfection. It meets us exactly where we are and upgrades our capacity to engage the Cycle Teachings to create a community centered in true joy and freedom.
This is the incomparable joy of connecting and transforming that occurs when we dream with one another and Spirit. This is the exuberance we feel in expanded embodiment when we choose to turn towards our fear in love. This is a grounded and real celebration of Life. This is us each remembering who we are really meant to be, together, held and seen in community.
This is an invitation for you to become part of a movement and a people. If your heart yearns for community and the teachings, take this invitation as your cue.
Prerequisites to enroll in the Threshold Process
Completed Energy Body Mastery with a year or more of practice.
Completed Energy Body Clearing with a year or more of practice.
Have basic proficiency with shamanic journeying.
For more information on Threshold Process prerequisites see FAQ.
Completing the Threshold Process is the basic requirement for Masks of Illusion and all the subsequent Cycle of Transformation Retreats.